Functional Restoration and Growth Studies (FRAGS)
Hughes, D., Brand, J., Waters, C. (2022)
Hughes, D., Brand, J., Waters, C. (2022)
Undergraduate / Postgraduate Projects
Investigating The Effects of Reef Complexity and Coral Morphology on Crown of Thorn Abundance in Dauin, Philippines
Dylan Hons (2024)
Dylan Hons (2024)
Spatial heterogeneity of oxygen concentrations within a coral reef ecosystem
Andersson, E (2023)
Andersson, E (2023)
New records of Porites Ulcerative White Spot Disease in the Philippines; Implications for the Future of MPA Management
Niamh Meyler (Oct 2022)
Niamh Meyler (Oct 2022)
Coral loss caused by an outbreak of Crown-of-thorns sea star (Acanthaster planci) at a shallow reef in Dauin, Philippines
Leo Andreas Viktor Arleborg (2022)
New records of Porites Ulcerative White Spot Disease in the Philippines; Implications for the Future of MPA Management
Meyler, N (2022)
Meyler, N (2022)
To what extent is algae cover on reefs in Dauin, Negros Oriental, Philippines affected by abundance of herbivorous fish species and seasonal changes?
Postma, E (Oct 2021)
Postma, E (Oct 2021)
Investigating influential ecosystem characteristics on commercially important reef fish assemblages within Dauin, Philippines
Watkins, Y (Oct 2020)
Watkins, Y (Oct 2020)